Below are Organizations that fit into the 

Corporal Work of Mercy - BURY THE DEAD

To learn more about the volunteering options available for each charity below, simply click each link of interest. This will bring you to a new page dedicated to that particular organization, along with the many ways to serve and their contact information. 

Steeped in tradition and COMMITTED to CHRISTIAN VALUES of personalized service and integrity while offering BURIAL in SACRED GROUND while AWAITING the RESURRECTION of the dead and the PROMISE of ETERNAL LIFE.

During funerals, we mourn the loss of life. As Christians, we live in the hope of Resurrection. Participate in this work of mercy by offering condolences or sending a card to someone who lost a loved one, participating in a bereavement ministry, helping with funeral luncheons, or taking friends and relatives to visit the cemetery. Pray for those who have gone before you whenever you pass a cemetery or go to a cemetery intentionally to pray.