Below are Organizations that fit into the
Corporal Work of Mercy - FEEDING THE HUNGRY
To learn more about the volunteering options available for each charity below, simply click each link of interest. This will bring you to a new page dedicated to that particular organization, along with the many ways to serve and their contact information.
FOOD PANTRY and BABY FOOD Services are provided to pregnant women and parents with children under 18.
Green Square Meals started as a SOUP KITCHEN and continues to be the only EVENING MEAL PROGRAM in Cedar Rapids, currently serving about 30,000 meals a year.
MARY'S MEALS BELIEVES in a simple, yet powerful idea that can transform the lives of millions of people around the world. Providing children with ONE DAILY MEAL in a place of education.
MATTHEW 25 creates a variety of innovative programming focused on neighborhood revitalization through the building blocks of FOOD, HOUSING, and EDUCATION.
Metro Catholic
FOOD PANTRY distributes food baskets every week; they also grow their own fresh, healthy produce in their garden for their clients.