Below are Organizations that fit into the
Corporal Work of Mercy - CLOTHE THE NAKED
To learn more about the volunteering options available for each charity below, simply click each link of interest. This will bring you to a new page dedicated to that particular organization, along with the many ways to serve and their contact information.
Coalition for Life
The Coalition for Life of Iowa defends the sanctity of human life from conception throughout all stages with prayer, education and raising awareness. There are many events and ways to get involved in our local community.
St. Vincent de Paul
Vincent de Paul provides clothing to those in need in the Cedar Rapids Community.
Clothing is necessary to maintain human dignity. A direct way to carry out this work of mercy is to donate excess from our closets a couple of times a year. We could develop the habit when shopping to buy some new clothing to give away.
This work of mercy also challenges confronting the crime of sexual exploitation in our society and the plague of pornography.