Below are Organizations that fit into the
Corporal Work of Mercy - VISIT THE IMPRISONED
To learn more about the volunteering options available for each charity below, simply click each link of interest. This will bring you to a new page dedicated to that particular organization, along with the many ways to serve and their contact information.
A Christian ministry with nearly 100 volunteers who share their time and talents by visiting those incarcerated at the Linn County Jail. Volunteers visit daily, several times a week, weekly, or monthly.
There are multiple programs listed allowing volunteers to help in a variety of ways.
The Word Among Us
Bringing God’s Light to the Darkest Places by spreading the message of God’s love, mercy, forgiveness, and promises.
Visiting the imprisoned can be difficult to participate in without special clearance or permission. If you find yourself unable to physically visit the imprisoned, try getting involved in a ministry that writes letters to the imprisoned or organizes retreats for them. Those incarcerated, and their families, can always use prayers.