YPN'S Exterior Door
Young Parents
Located at:
420 6th Street SE
Suite 260
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
YPN is centered on stabilizing the family unit and empowering our community to take action. The YPN Volunteers are the best in our community! They are the heartbeat to our organization and we would not be able to provide the services that we do without them. We invite you to join us! Common volunteer positions are described below.
YPN Helps Young Families in Multiple Ways
For over 35 years, YPN has provided quality prenatal and parenting education to young families, ages 13-27, who are pregnant or parenting kids 5 and under. Programs and services are offered in English, Spanish, French, Swahili and Lingala, and includes group sessions, home visitations, and early literacy initiatives. Additionally, YPN participants have access to the incentive-based We Care Shop which provides clothing, diapers, and other baby items in exchange for points earned.
YPN’s mission is focused on empowering families by creating a network of support through education and resources, to build confidence and personal accountability for healthy and successful families.
One-time Group Projects:
Hosting a diaper drive by collecting at your office, school, or place of worship, knitting blankets together to donate, donating supplies for their clients, toy drives, helping grow awareness in the community, raising support for YPN monetary donations, and groups with teens can help with childcare.
Ongoing Individual Positions Available:
Donating diapers, formula, toys, etc. for clients, online giving options such as Amazon Smile, diaper drive volunteers, providing childcare for parents attending ongoing classes on Thursday evenings., volunteer in the 'We Care Shop'
Unique Positions Available:
Volunteer Translators are needed for French, Swahili, and Lingala
Items Accepted for Donation:
Diapers/wipes/diaper bags, Baby care products/baby food/baby formula, Bassinets/crib sheets/toddler bedding/pack-n-play, Children’s clothing/coats/shoes (newborn to size 5t), Children’s books and toys/puzzles/activity table, High chairs/strollers/baby swing/bouncers, and *Breast pumps (see below)/boppy pillows/blankets
Items Unable to be Accepted:
Car seats/booster seats, Cribs/bumper pads, Changing tables, Stuffed animals/bike helmets/life jackets, Walkers with wheels/large play sets, Outdoor yard items, and *Medela brand breast pumps
Please visit their webpage dedicated to Volunteering for further information and to fill out the application:
**All Volunteers age 18+ will be required to fill out information for a background check
Volunteers must be at least 16 years or older; 10-15-year-olds are welcome to volunteer with guardian supervision
Questions are welcome, or to request more information, please call Heike Wagner 319-364-8909
or email hwagner@ypniowa.org
YPN Office Hours:
Monday 8AM-4PM
Tuesday 8AM-4PM
Wednesday 8AM-4PM
Thursday 8AM-4PM
Friday 8AM-4PM
Closed on Saturday and Sunday.
'We Care Shop Hours:
Tuesday 11AM-1PM
Wednesday 1PM-3PM
Closed on Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Diaper Drive Hours:
Last Wednesday of the Month from 3:30PM-5:30PM
Volunteers Assisting w/ Childcare
'We Care Shop'
Volunteer While Parents Learn
Teens Making a Difference